telehealth or in-person
The COVID-19 pandemic has made the practice of doing therapy remotely more commonplace than many of us would have expected just a short time ago. The good news is that for many clients and therapists, teletherapy has proven to be an effective way to provide the support people need around issues like anxiety, depression, challenges in relationships and so much more. Doing therapy over a secure video server or even over the phone has helped many people who may struggle with access to in-person therapy receive treatment that they may otherwise have gone without.
On the other hand, working remotely is not a good fit for everyone and having to rely on teletherapy can be an obstacle to getting the kind of effective help you are looking for.
In order to try and meet the needs of as many people as possible, I have set up my practice to offer both remote and in-person therapy. To talk with me about whether working in-person or remotely is the best fit for you, please contact me by phone or email to set up an initial phone consultation.
Please note: Teletherapy is the only treatment modality available for Colorado residents.